
April 7, 2024

Radon & Buying A Home

Radon and Radon Testing…What Is It? One of the most common add-on services requested by buyers during the home inspection is radon testing. Let’s quickly review what radon actually is before we jump into how it can impact your buying process. According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), radon is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless radioactive gas that forms naturally when uranium, thorium, or radium, which […]
December 3, 2023

What If My Dream Home Has Mold?

What Is Mold & How Does It Get In My Home? According to the US EPA, mold is a natural part of the environment and can be found anywhere moisture and oxygen are present. Simply put, mold is everywhere! Even in a healthy home! Mold reproduces by spreading tiny reproductive cells called spores that travel around in air currents. They are so small that they can’t […]
October 22, 2018

Coeur d’Alene, ID

Welcome To Coeur d’Alene If you are looking for a place to live and work that offers a perfect balance of natural beauty, urban amenities and outdoor recreation, you might want to consider Coeur d’Alene, ID. This charming city is located on the shores of Lake Coeur d’Alene, one of the most scenic lakes in the country. What To Do You will never run out of […]